SNDTTA Interclub Competition 2021
SUNS have 6 teams in 5 divisions.
SUNS B won the Div 2 title.
Two teams, Div 3 SUNS C1, and Div 4 SUNS D
both lost their S/F after their hard battles.
Our teams were suffering from a lack of practise
after having resumed play for just a week
SUNS E lost their final against a young PCYC team
Although 3 of our teams lost in the final stages,
we did very well in the competition
All our 6 teams have enjoyed the fun
and experience of the competition.
Congratulations to all our players.
SUNS is proud of you.
Div 1, SUNS A
Edmond Chiu (Captain), Manson Cheng, Chris Zhou, Garek Chung and Andy Truong
Div 2, SUNS B
Joybroto Sarkar (Captain), Hrishi Bhagat, Kelvin Kwong, Warren Wuttke, Abdalla Khalil
Div 3, SUNS C1
Navindu Nanda (Captain), Zareer Reporter, Vahistad Patel, MingXin Yang
Div 3, SUNS C2
Jeff Canning (Captain), Tony Lee, John Foeng, Horace Kuan
Adam Nelson (Captain), Aria Sangsari, Francis Seo, Disha Dutta, Leong Tho
Div 5, SUNS E
Viyada Gow (Captain), Joanna Seo, Varuna Wijetange, Peter Shao, Hoang Huynh
Competition By-Law
SUNS - Captain's and Player's Responsibilities